Gili Island Is An Amazing Place For Snorkeling

Gili islands is an amazing place for snorkeling! You will get wonderful scenery that you may not see before. The water is clear enough, so you will see the underwater scenery. It seems you are entering a new world once you swim deep down the water. The statues are also fascinating. It gives a different snorkeling sensation. Turtles will also welcome and let you enjoy their island. Take your time to explore the colorful corals around the area.


There are also a lot of great spots to capture into a camera and produce the best underwater photos. Indeed, your photos will make your friends curious and ask where you are now. It seems that you don’t want to leave the area too fast if you can breathe in the water longer. The Gili in Bali is worth it to visit, especially for snorkelers who want to get a new snorkeling experience.

So, don’t forget to include the Gili on your holiday destination if you have a plan to go to Bali. You can’t wait to swim and run away for a while from the mainland. I bet you want to come back to this place immediately when you go back home. This beautiful place is hard to forget, right?